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Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Understanding enables us to grasp the deeper meaning of the Scriptures, the life of grace, the presence of Christ in a real substantial way in the Holy Eucharist. This Gift also allows us to contemplate God in the midst of ordinary matters and events, whether pleasant or joyful.

Counsel Illumines us to keep a true conscience, not to make excuses for faults and sins, not to allow human respect to dominate us, or be carried away by fashions and trends of the moment, rather, to be ruled always by God's will.

Knowledge through this Gift we are made able to perceive that all creation, all the good that has been achieved in history, in short, everything, comes from God and is directed toward Him. Knowledge also helps us to discern what leads to God and what separates us from Him.

Piety causes us to relate to God as to good Father, with tenderness and affection and to relate to all others as brothers and sisters of the same family. This Gift makes us understand that God our loving father wants the best for us and for each of His children.

Wisdom This Gift bestows a special knowledge of God and others, a knowledge that is deep and loving. It prepares us for a certain experience of the sweetness of God, both in Himself and in created things, in so far as they refer to Him.

Fortitude helps us to overcome our natural resistance to doing what we find difficult to do. It helps us to face up to the normal obstacles of living, to persevere in our daily work, to be constant in doing good, and to bear trials with serenity and a supernatural outlook.

Holy Fear of God inspires in us an immense respect for God's majesty, a deep discernment of what is sacred, and a limitless rejoicing in His goodness as a Father.

Sent by Fr. Adrian Magnait

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