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Jesus Loves Always!

Jesus, you love me… ALWAYS
Always… from the very instant of my existence,
     You love me
Always… throughout my earthly life, You love me
Always…in moments of joy and consolation,
     You love me
Always…in moments of pain and trials, You love me
Always… even in my most miserable moment,
     You love me
Always… even in my sinfulness, You love me
Always… throughout eternity, You love me

O Jesus, You love me always and IN MANY WAYS…
In the way… of life that You have given me,
     You love me
In the way… I exercise my freedom, You love me
In the way… You have especially chosen for me,
     You love me
In the way… of my priestly life and ministry,
     You love me
In the way… of the Cross, You love me
In the way… of sickness and suffering, You love me
In the way… of fighting my weaknesses, You love me
In the way… I may never understand and
     agree with, You love me

But still, Jesus, You love me always and
     in many different ways, You love me!

My Jesus, so many times I do not understand Your will,
but still I love You
Though day by day, I am puzzled by Your strange ways,
still I love You

Though You tolerate wars and violence, still I love You
Though You seem to allow thousands of refugees to suffer in Kosovo,
still I love You

Though You seem to be silent amidst the sufferings of
the poor, the needy and the innocent, still I love You
Though injustice seems to triumph in our world today,
still I love You

Though many in the world die of hunger while a few waste away
food in luxurious hotels and restaurants, still I love You
Though at times I feel abandoned and betrayed by those I love,
still I love You

Though serving You requires me to be apart from people I hold dear,
still I love You
Though my father died even before I could enjoy his company,
still I love You
Though I am hurt and misunderstood by people, even by those I care for,
still I love You

Though at times You seem not to answer my prayers,
still I love You
Though sometimes I am no longer sure why I love You,
My Jesus, still I love You



sent by Fr. Adrian Magnait

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