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The Pope at 80

His hand shakes like never before. His once proud gait is now a slow shuffle. The erect frame is hunched. The face has been robbed of its expressiveness. But for all his frailty, John Paul II is today more vibrant, more powerful, and more needed than at any time in his pontificate.

Today the Pope is 80.

At an age when most people settle back and enjoy the spoils of a life well lived, the Pope is still pursuing his mission.

Historically, when a Pope ages he withdraws from the public view preferring to live out his days in privacy; communica- ting with the world through the occasional letter or encyclical. Not John Paul II.

At 80 he insists on personally going to humanity: the fisherman going to the catch. During his 22 years as Pope he has been on 94 separate papal pilgrimages (thus far). This year alone he undertook one of the most grueling trips of his reign by going to the Holy Land for a full week.

In spite of his frailty, he presides over several Jubilee events each week, and continues to conduct an outdoor public audience each Wednesday. Vatican sources report that he rises daily at 5 AM to pray a full two and a half hours before his private Mass at 7:30.

At 80 the Pope remains THE preeminent world leader, by any standard. Reagan, Gorbachev, Thatcher, Carter, Bush, Yeltsin, Clinton- history! Only the Pope still stands. And of that group, only the Pope can claim to be a chart topping, platinum selling recording artist!

Who but John Paul II can still draw millions (many of them young) and attract the attention of the world press? And consider this staggering fact: more people have seen John Paul II live, in the flesh, than anyone in the history of mankind.

At 80 the Pope is the most compelling religious leader alive. What is his allure? Why do millions clamor, even now, to be in his presence?

Firstly,it is his authenticity. When you look at John Paul II you see a man who is living what he preaches: a spiritual giant unafraid to challenge this pagan culture with the message of truth and hope. The second thing that draws the world is what I call the paradox of John Paul II.

He is the most powerful man on earth - and the weakest.

The older he becomes, and the frailer, the more power he seems to gain; the larger he seems to be.

As he declines, his Master shines through him evermore. This is a contradiction to the world: a man who grows even as he withers.

But it is the way of Christ. Just as Christ reached his summit on the cross, so we are witnessing the summit of John Paul II. On this Calvary of age and infirmity we can't take our eyes off him.

At 80 he is the Jubilee Pope: a battle scared spiritual warrior who buried communism, strengthened his Church, and continues to lead humanity into a new springtime.

At 80 the priest, poet, mystic, dramatist, philosopher, Pole, and Pope is still going strong. Just imagine what he'll do next. You can bet he is.

Long Live John Paul the Great.

Sent by Fr.Adrian Magnait

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